Tuesday, 27 March 2012

this ones for zan

I wore a flano to uni today, and with all my class I also wore thongs.

This photo is to show Zannia. :)

It's an incredibly bad one but I don't even care because the excitement of showing my flano off overrides that!

its the little things

We both work full time.. But Landon in his second year as an apprentice and me starting uni one day a week there is not much of a routine going on.

Our lives don't seem to mould very smoothly. We both love our sleep so sometimes find that mornings are out of bounds for talking!

Anyway, today as I was leaving for uni (I leave an hour early so that I can get a car park at uni-still hoping that people will drop out do I can get there at a better time and have more sleep.) Landon was still in bed because he had a training day, didn't have to start til late and deserved a sleep in after putting up with me reading half of the night to catch up with uni reading!

So, as I was making a coffee In my travel mug that my sister gave me one Christmas, I set this up and left Landon a note that says;
'share a coffee with me?
have a great day, good luck with your white card :)
Love you Stinky Pete

When I got home I found this written at the bottom:
'Thanks chicken, have a great afternoon!
Love you!

It's so nice living with my best friend.

our river

Landon and I have bought a house across the road from a reserve. I call it the wetlands but it is far too pretty for that title. Not far from our place is a way of getting right down the the river. This is why I call it our river.

Surprisingly, considering it is so close, we don't venture down there as often as we would like to but I had some reading to do for uni. (-trying to read Dracula in one week as well as working 4 full days isn't as easy as it sounds... Especially when your a slow reader!!-)

We took a lazy picnic and ate by the river until the tiny bits of rain became a bit too heavy. (I didn't want to wreck Lorelle's book, considering she has leant me EVERYTHING she used or this topic 2 years ago... One of the many advantages of starting uni years after everyone else and having awesome mates!!)

It was a lovely space of time and has motivated me to do it more often.

road trip 2010/2011

So this is an old photo BUT in the 2010 holidays (over new years) Amanda, her boyfriend, Andrew, Landon and I took the commodore up to Byron Bay/Nimbin from here in good old Muzza.

On the way we drove past this marvelous creature. I am not sure why- whether because it was so random, Andrew being in need of a smoke or just pure boredom we turned around to have a photo with him. The first picture was far more formal with a normal pose but this one we weren't expecting.

Hence, one of my favourite photos.