Tuesday, 27 March 2012

road trip 2010/2011

So this is an old photo BUT in the 2010 holidays (over new years) Amanda, her boyfriend, Andrew, Landon and I took the commodore up to Byron Bay/Nimbin from here in good old Muzza.

On the way we drove past this marvelous creature. I am not sure why- whether because it was so random, Andrew being in need of a smoke or just pure boredom we turned around to have a photo with him. The first picture was far more formal with a normal pose but this one we weren't expecting.

Hence, one of my favourite photos.


  1. I love this! It's such a polaroid type moment hey.


    1. I just loved the complete randomness - Landon can often get these impromptu pics. He is surprisingly good behind the camera! :)
