Tuesday, 27 March 2012

its the little things

We both work full time.. But Landon in his second year as an apprentice and me starting uni one day a week there is not much of a routine going on.

Our lives don't seem to mould very smoothly. We both love our sleep so sometimes find that mornings are out of bounds for talking!

Anyway, today as I was leaving for uni (I leave an hour early so that I can get a car park at uni-still hoping that people will drop out do I can get there at a better time and have more sleep.) Landon was still in bed because he had a training day, didn't have to start til late and deserved a sleep in after putting up with me reading half of the night to catch up with uni reading!

So, as I was making a coffee In my travel mug that my sister gave me one Christmas, I set this up and left Landon a note that says;
'share a coffee with me?
have a great day, good luck with your white card :)
Love you Stinky Pete

When I got home I found this written at the bottom:
'Thanks chicken, have a great afternoon!
Love you!

It's so nice living with my best friend.

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