Tuesday, 27 March 2012

this ones for zan

I wore a flano to uni today, and with all my class I also wore thongs.

This photo is to show Zannia. :)

It's an incredibly bad one but I don't even care because the excitement of showing my flano off overrides that!


  1. Haha you are the cutest; Tom saw me grinning at this post when I randomly got your text (we were watching a movie).
    Are flannos and thongs not a staple look for uni?? Should rock it always, I like. Relieved to find you're not the kind of gal that's into heels at Uni :\ jebus help them haha.
    I sure get around in hobo clothes all the time, have to show you my fave outfit of all time for uni - it's so mismatched. Actually I think I chucked out the shorts :( they were incredibly turquiose but getting stained and grubby.

    Thanks for the dedication!

    1. There is a sign at flinders warning people that wear STILETTOS of the stairs..... Stilettos? maybe a little wedge but seriously....

      I hope you have a picture of your uni outfit.... please say you do! I am keen as to see it.

  2. Thanks heaps :) just getting started in the blog world!
