Monday, 2 April 2012

new dress

So I am really good at buying new clothing and wearing it 10 million times in a row.

For example my new dress!
Bought online from 'Dream Diva' ( I have worn twice since I got it on Friday.

Lorelle is super jealous of it, but she always looks lovely and has a million pretty dresses!


  1. Ooohhhh pretty Narelle!!! It hell suits you :D
    Really you couldn't have gone wrong once you picked black lace because that is just simply the king of all fabrics! And actually tell Lorelle that my other favourite is polka dots so she's kickin' in this pic as well!

    1. So honored that you mentioned this on your blog... Thankyou.

      It's so pretty! Hopefully I remember to mention your comment about her to Lorelle.
      She has so many lovely dresses.. and always looks so beautiful!

      I do love this dress, so comfortable too, I could wear it all the time and not even notice that I was wearing a nice dress.
