Saturday, 7 April 2012

love is in the air

Weddings are always so beautiful.. not that I have been to all that many, well not since I have been old enough to remember.  I think the wedding stage hasn't quite hit my friends yet!

I have been to a few, and I have been a flower girl twice as a kid, a bridesmaid once and am scheduled to be again for my cousin's wedding in December. I do love being in a wedding but there is something nice about just being able to watch and appreciate everything that is happening around you without a care in the world for how it is all working.

Having said that, I am super keen for Amy and Dion's wedding at the end of the year, getting all dressed up and being a part of the biggest day in someones life is such an exciting honor, even if there is a lot of pressure to do everything right!! I am Amy's only bridesmaid which makes it that extra little bit special, with her younger sister as the junior bridesmaid. I can't wait to be on the family farm with all of my family and Amy and Dion's friends to celebrate their love and life together.

Below is a photo of the girl I work with, Rachel's, wedding which was at the beautiful Pulpshed at Glen Ewin Estate  and my friend Elspeth who got married today at the Church@ParaVista (inspiring this post).


  1. Beautiful.
    Do you have pics of you as a little flower girl? Awww ^_^ I was one once, at age 11 or 12? and I hated how they did my hair aha.

    I wanna know about the rockin' after parties! :D

    Kind of wish people would start getting married just so we get to attend amazing weddings all the time. Wait. We can just be Wedding Crashers!

  2. I am going to have to search for my flower girl pictures I think :) Stay tuned!

    I was much younger both times and I loved it! haha, I am such an attention seeker.

    I think we should start being wedding crashers for a living...
    Now to devise a plan on how to do so...?
