On Monday a bunch of us went to the Oakbank Races.
I had bucket loads of fun, it is a bit disturbing looking around at all the drunkeds there purely trying to pick up though... it seems a bit sad - maybe I am just getting too old! HAHA. It is also hard to understand who the poor people are who are left to clean up the piles of rubbish/belongings left behind! After everyone has cleared out there are so many 'things' left. I'm not sure if we should have but between us we scored a mans shoe (just one) a couple of beach chairs and an esky! I think Tom gave his 'finds' away, one through a bus window apparently and the other in place of the expensive sunglasses he 'misplaced'. It was kind of like a path of hard rubbish but you're not 100% sure if you should take the stuff or not.
Below are some happy snaps - random ones that Lorelle has edited and some that I am too lazy to play with so there is no consistency in size/style - just a warning!
As Tom mentioned to me, I am not a very good 'blogger' because I am not always taking photos of 'things'. I have always had this trouble because I am enjoying the moment far too much and forget that I need some photos for memories! I am going to have to improve on this.
I actually didn't get any photos of the horses, oops!
Lorelle Hannah and I - Full outfits - unfortunately missing our shoes
though! I'm looking far too happy for a nice photo to be taken! haha. |
Lorelle not wanting to take her trackies and ugg boots off because it was actually rather cold!
Lorelle and my sister Hannah.
Damien, Hannah and Nathaniel.
Michael looking like he's had a rough day.
Lorelle getting her kiss lips on.
Finally, Zannia - the photo I got of Tom just for you - he wouldn't sit
still but he and Toby were looking very suave. (I'm not sure what's
happening to that bird in the background?!) |
This is my new hat, thanks to Damien. |
Duck faces ladies? |
Hannah and Michael. |
I am loving Landon's pose in this one - his suit was also pretty awesome (I picked it up for him at the local op shop one time for a different event) the other lads are looking rather smashing also... Landon, Nathanael, Skipp and Alex. |
Was a windy, horrible day, but we made the most of it! |
Lorelle and Damien. (He has obviously stolen my hat for this picture. |
PS - we were close enough to the track that I watched some races
and/or heard the horses run(/race??) past but to be honest I just enjoy
getting dressed up with my mates!
I also noticed some protestors as we got closer to the event which got me thinking.. Did you know that 'Twenty-four horses have died at Oakbank in jumps races since 1984.' (
http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/superracing/horse-dies-in-oakbank-steeplechase/story-fn67mcwv-1226321095790) This makes me sad but I guess that the protestors are mainly looking for a 'ban on jumps racing' - I am not sure about any of this but I am guessing that the organisers
should be looking in to this a bit more seriously - I dont know enough
about the situation to have a proper opinion but I did have a good time
so would love for the event to continue, perhaps on a safer note
for the horses... I'll leave it at that in fear of seeming shallow and ignorant.