Saturday, 14 April 2012

what, did she say five dollar cowboy boots?

As a matter of fact I did..... Well I am saying it now!

Name of the post says it all, I found these cowboy boot look-a-likes for $5 at Rubi Shoes in Harbor town. I couldn't resist. Landon has given me strict instructions to wear the shoes (3 other pairs) at least 5 times each.. then he will consider them worth it... He's a drama queen because all 4 pairs were less than $50 all up. Such a bargain hunter! I also got the dress I wore to the races (in the last post) for $50 reduced from $70.

I wore my boots last night with a dress that I got from a shop here in Murray Bridge called Mystical Flair. I had some pictures taken for her online store to show off the plus size clothing and when I tried this one on fell in love - It was the last one she could get so I snapped it up before she could get a picture of me in it to sell it!!

That's 2 outings in them Landon... not far off!

devil eyes?
Ah, beautiful.

horses, where?

On Monday a bunch of us went to the Oakbank Races.
I had bucket loads of fun, it is a bit disturbing looking around at all the drunkeds there purely trying to pick up though... it seems a bit sad - maybe I am just getting too old! HAHA. It is also hard to understand who the poor people are who are left to clean up the piles of rubbish/belongings left behind! After everyone has cleared out there are so many 'things' left. I'm not sure if we should have but between us we scored a mans shoe (just one) a couple of beach chairs and an esky! I think Tom gave his 'finds' away, one through a bus window apparently and the other in place of the expensive sunglasses he 'misplaced'. It was kind of like a path of hard rubbish but you're not 100% sure if you should take the stuff or not.

Below are some happy snaps - random ones that Lorelle has edited and some that I am too lazy to play with so there is no consistency in size/style - just a warning!

As Tom mentioned to me, I am not a very good 'blogger' because I am not always taking photos of 'things'. I have always had this trouble because I am enjoying the moment far too much and forget that I need some photos for memories! I am going to have to improve on this.

 I actually didn't get any photos of the horses, oops!

Lorelle Hannah and I - Full outfits - unfortunately missing our shoes though!  I'm looking far too happy for a nice photo to be taken! haha.

Lorelle not wanting to take her trackies and ugg boots off because it was actually rather cold!

Lorelle and my sister Hannah.

Damien, Hannah and Nathaniel.

Michael looking like he's had a rough day.

Lorelle getting her kiss lips on.

Finally, Zannia - the photo I got of Tom just for you - he wouldn't sit still but he and Toby were looking very suave. (I'm not sure what's happening to that bird in the background?!)
This is my new hat, thanks to Damien.

Duck faces ladies?

Hannah and Michael.

I am loving Landon's pose in this one - his suit was also pretty awesome (I picked it up for him at the local op shop one time for a different event) the other lads are looking rather smashing also... Landon, Nathanael, Skipp and Alex.

Was a windy, horrible day, but we made the most of it!

Lorelle and Damien. (He has obviously stolen my hat for this picture.

PS - we were close enough to the track that I watched some races and/or heard the horses run(/race??) past but to be honest I just enjoy getting dressed up with my mates!
I also noticed some protestors as we got closer to the event which got me thinking.. Did you know that 'Twenty-four horses have died at Oakbank in jumps races since 1984.' ( This makes me sad but I guess that the protestors are mainly looking for a 'ban on jumps racing' - I am not sure about any of this but I am guessing that the organisers should be looking in to this a bit more seriously - I dont know enough about the situation to have a proper opinion but I did have a good time so would love for the event to continue, perhaps on a safer note for the horses... I'll leave it at that in fear of seeming shallow and ignorant.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

love is in the air

Weddings are always so beautiful.. not that I have been to all that many, well not since I have been old enough to remember.  I think the wedding stage hasn't quite hit my friends yet!

I have been to a few, and I have been a flower girl twice as a kid, a bridesmaid once and am scheduled to be again for my cousin's wedding in December. I do love being in a wedding but there is something nice about just being able to watch and appreciate everything that is happening around you without a care in the world for how it is all working.

Having said that, I am super keen for Amy and Dion's wedding at the end of the year, getting all dressed up and being a part of the biggest day in someones life is such an exciting honor, even if there is a lot of pressure to do everything right!! I am Amy's only bridesmaid which makes it that extra little bit special, with her younger sister as the junior bridesmaid. I can't wait to be on the family farm with all of my family and Amy and Dion's friends to celebrate their love and life together.

Below is a photo of the girl I work with, Rachel's, wedding which was at the beautiful Pulpshed at Glen Ewin Estate  and my friend Elspeth who got married today at the Church@ParaVista (inspiring this post).

Thursday, 5 April 2012

at night she goes in search of other pokémon and sometimes humans to suck blood from

Can you imagine the honor I felt when the person who, without knowing it, is my inspiration for ANY post I ever make..? I go on her blog almost every day and then she posts about my blog and that I inspired her post?! Zannia's blog Chronicles of Zannia is so amazing, not just because she is an amazing friend of mine but because there is always something different and interesting happening. I just feel so special and honored to be on there.

I spoke to Zan on Tom's phone last night, I am not very good at phone calls.. I start feeling uncomfortable and struggle to know what to say.. which is VERY unusual for me.. never the less, I was super amazingly happy to have a quick chat but sad because I am missing her.. Anyway.. enough of my sop story, I just wanted to ensure that she knows how much she means to me.

Below is a delicious photo of Nurse Narelle and the most beautiful Zubat I have ever met.

(love to you zan)

Monday, 2 April 2012

new dress

So I am really good at buying new clothing and wearing it 10 million times in a row.

For example my new dress!
Bought online from 'Dream Diva' ( I have worn twice since I got it on Friday.

Lorelle is super jealous of it, but she always looks lovely and has a million pretty dresses!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

this ones for zan

I wore a flano to uni today, and with all my class I also wore thongs.

This photo is to show Zannia. :)

It's an incredibly bad one but I don't even care because the excitement of showing my flano off overrides that!

its the little things

We both work full time.. But Landon in his second year as an apprentice and me starting uni one day a week there is not much of a routine going on.

Our lives don't seem to mould very smoothly. We both love our sleep so sometimes find that mornings are out of bounds for talking!

Anyway, today as I was leaving for uni (I leave an hour early so that I can get a car park at uni-still hoping that people will drop out do I can get there at a better time and have more sleep.) Landon was still in bed because he had a training day, didn't have to start til late and deserved a sleep in after putting up with me reading half of the night to catch up with uni reading!

So, as I was making a coffee In my travel mug that my sister gave me one Christmas, I set this up and left Landon a note that says;
'share a coffee with me?
have a great day, good luck with your white card :)
Love you Stinky Pete

When I got home I found this written at the bottom:
'Thanks chicken, have a great afternoon!
Love you!

It's so nice living with my best friend.

our river

Landon and I have bought a house across the road from a reserve. I call it the wetlands but it is far too pretty for that title. Not far from our place is a way of getting right down the the river. This is why I call it our river.

Surprisingly, considering it is so close, we don't venture down there as often as we would like to but I had some reading to do for uni. (-trying to read Dracula in one week as well as working 4 full days isn't as easy as it sounds... Especially when your a slow reader!!-)

We took a lazy picnic and ate by the river until the tiny bits of rain became a bit too heavy. (I didn't want to wreck Lorelle's book, considering she has leant me EVERYTHING she used or this topic 2 years ago... One of the many advantages of starting uni years after everyone else and having awesome mates!!)

It was a lovely space of time and has motivated me to do it more often.

road trip 2010/2011

So this is an old photo BUT in the 2010 holidays (over new years) Amanda, her boyfriend, Andrew, Landon and I took the commodore up to Byron Bay/Nimbin from here in good old Muzza.

On the way we drove past this marvelous creature. I am not sure why- whether because it was so random, Andrew being in need of a smoke or just pure boredom we turned around to have a photo with him. The first picture was far more formal with a normal pose but this one we weren't expecting.

Hence, one of my favourite photos.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she's gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers
That grow so incredibly high

Newspaper taxies appear on the shore
Waiting to take you away
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds
And you're gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah

Picture yourself in a train in a station
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - The Beatles